Our team is grouped of experts from Chemical lines and other industries, they are accomplished and rich experienced in Process Design, Equipment fabrication, System Installation, Commissioning and Test-runing for production lines or plants of

1.      Chlorine Engineering: Ion membrane caustic soda, Hydrochloric acid synthesis, Pickling line waste water recovery, Hydrochloric acid evaporation, etc.

2.      Inorganic chemical lines: Mannheim method potassium (sodium) sulfate production plant, sodium sulfide plant, etc.

3.      Plant extract essence process and production line:  Ultrasonic extraction, CO2 Supercritical fluid extraction and other other solvent extraction.

4.      Other production lines: Printer’s toner production line and tecnology, Printer’s OPC durm production line and technology and so on.


Above metioned processes and technologies will not covering all of our field of service, as our team are adept in continual studying and improvement, as well as willing of acceptance the experts from similar or different fields.


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